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Care Technology Glossary of Terms

We have compiled a list of key terms used in the technology-enabled care sector. This resource will be continuously reviewed and updated. Please inform us if there are any terms you would like to see added to the glossary.

  • Encryption is a way to conceal information by altering it to appear to be random data. It is essential for Internet security. See Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
  • Ethernet is the standard for connecting devices to an IP network using cables. Digital telecare hubs may have a hardwired Ethernet port to enable connection to a broadband router.
  • The field of ethics deals with moral principles related to actions and their outcomes. When using technology to assist individuals, various ethical considerations must be considered. This is particularly important for monitoring technologies, as well as technologies that use machine learning and artificial intelligence. It's crucial to address issues of safeguarding and consent when selecting technology and other services to support individuals. Equally important is understanding how any machine learning or AI has been developed and tested to ensure its appropriateness and fairness for all.