We have compiled a list of key terms used in the technology-enabled care sector. This resource will be continuously reviewed and updated. Please inform us if there are any terms you would like to see added to the glossary.

- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The legislation that defines data protection and privacy in the UK and EU. Following the UK’s exit from the EU, much of the UK GDPR remains identical to the EU GDPR.
- Geofence A virtual electronic barrier defining a geographical area (usually an area that is safe or unsafe for an individual). A notification can be sent if someone enters or exits the area defined by the geofence.
- Geographic number A telephone number associated with a particular geographic area.
- Global Positioning System (GPS) A radio navigation system based on satellites that allows users to determine their exact location, speed, and the time of day anywhere in the world. It is used to help locate individuals so that their location can be shared with responders in an emergency. It can also be used to establish geofences that can raise an alarm if a person enters or leaves a particular zone.
- Grouped Alarm Scheme A telecare alarm system installed in a shared housing facility, such as a care home or sheltered housing. A grouped alarm scheme provides telecare services to all users in the facility, as opposed to a dispersed alarm, which provides services only to a single home/residence. It often supports additional housing-related features such as remote door intercoms (audio/video) and access control.