We have compiled a list of key terms used in the technology-enabled care sector. This resource will be continuously reviewed and updated. Please inform us if there are any terms you would like to see added to the glossary.

- Safer walking This refers to people with dementia who go out of their home for a walk (historically referred to as wandering). It is often supported using products and services that make use of GPS location tracking technology.
- Safety confirmation This is also known as an ‘I’m OK’ service, where the user must manually depress a button or activate another trigger to confirm that they are OK. If they fail to perform this task before a certain time of day, a monitoring centre operator will call them to establish if there is a problem, and a suitable response can be arranged.
- SCAIP Social Care Alarm Internet Protocol. The Swedish digital alarm protocol as used by digital alarm hubs and is the basis of the TS 50134-9 digital social alarm protocol.
- Self-care Self-care encompasses a variety of tasks that individuals are responsible for regarding their health and wellbeing. This includes making daily choices about their lifestyle, such as eating healthily and exercising, as well as monitoring physiological parameters to manage long-term conditions, such as blood sugar levels for a person with diabetes.
- Sensor A device which detects or measures a physical property and supplies that data to a system for storage and/or analysis. See smart sensor.
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) A signalling protocol that is used to set up and control real-time traffic calls, such as voice and video, over a data network. In digital telecare SIP is used in three main ways: SIP-based digital telephone lines are replacing traditional copper phone lines, such as ISDN; SIP is used by digital telecare protocols to carry signalling between the alarm device and the ARC; and SIP is also used by digital alarm devices configured to use VoIP to set up and control the voice call to the ARC.
- Short messaging service (SMS) A short text-only communication sent between mobile devices.
- Single/Sequential Tone Multi Frequency (STMF) A proprietary alarm signalling method from Tunstall used as an alternative to DTMF. Tunstall claims improved alarm transmissions over digital and mobile networks. It is only compatible with their own PNC alarm receiving platform.
- Smart divert A service used to divert incoming phone calls to an alternative number/location.Smart Divert is used in ARCs to divert incoming alarm calls to an alternative location if the primary call handling system or location becomes unusable.
- Smart home A home that has a communications network that connects appliances and services in the home and allows them to work together intelligently and be remotely controlled, monitored or accessed if necessary.
- Smart sensor A smart sensor is a device that takes input from the physical environment and uses built-in computing resources to process or interpret this input. It can also communicate with other compatible devices to convey data and important events to the system.
- Smart speaker A speaker, connected to the Internet, with a built-in virtual assistant that enables voice interaction through commands and questions (e.g. Amazon Echo, Google Home or Apple Homepod).
- Smartphone A mobile phone that performs much like a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, Internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps.
- Smartwatch A mobile device designed to be worn on the wrist, it has a touch-screen display that tells the time and can run apps. It may have its own mobile connectivity or be paired with a smartphone. Some also have their own GPS sensor.
- Social alarm A basic telecare system consisting of pull cords, alarm buttons and an intercom or telephone link to a housing warden or remote alarm monitoring centre. See also telecare.
- Social media Websites and applications (apps) that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Popular examples include TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter (X), and Facebook.
- Sphygmomanometer A device used to measure blood pressure.
- Spirometer A device for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs.
- Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card A SIM card identifies the user of a device connected to the mobile telephone network.
- Supported housing In supported housing, accommodation is provided alongside support, supervision, or care to help people live as independently as possible in the community. This includes older people, people with a learning or physical disability, people with autism and people with mental health problems.