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iCUHTec Product Showcase Webinars

iCUHTec Product Showcase Webinars are an opportunity for companies to showcase new and innovative products to service commissioners and frontline practitioners.

They are hosted here, on behalf of iCUHTec.

Webinar 1 – 29/10/2020

Webinar 1 features presentations from Care Messenger, Tendertec and Here2There.

Webinar 2 – 03/12/2020

Webinar 2 features presentations from Everon, Push to Talk and RGS Care.

Webinar 3 – 28/01/2021

Webinar 3 features presentations from AutonoMe, gds digital and Abilia UK.

Webinar 4 – 15/04/2021

Webinar 4 features presentations from YOURmeds, IRIS IoT and waytoB.

Webinar 5 – 10/06/2021

Webinar 5 features presentations from Epilepsy Solutions, Johannes Kepler University, Lenz and miicare.